Fungal Infections Treatment in Vijayawada

A fungal infection is a disease caused by fungi. Fungal infections are also known as Mycoses. Fungi are microorganisms that live on plants, in soil, on household surfaces, and your skin.

Not all fungi are harmful. Fungi that multiply out of control and lead to rashes and bumps cause infections. people with weak immune systems become sick even when they get into contact with fungi which doesn’t cause infections.

Fungal skin infections are very common. Fungi grow in moist regions of the body such as skin folds and between the toes.

Fungal infections can spread from an infected person or animal and even from contaminated soil. Fungi might penetrate your skin and affect internal organs too.

Wetness and humidity, poor blood circulation, nail and skin injury, Immunodeficiency, organ transplant, cancer treatment, menopausal phase in women, diabetes, and certain medication are the risk factors of fungal infections.

Common types of a fungal infection includeRingwormYeast infectionAthlete’s footVaginal candidiasisOnychomycosis tinea versicolor

Scaly red rashes, irritation, itching, scaly skin, blisters, and bumps are common symptoms of fungal infections. Fungal infections vary from person to person and the place of infection.

Get your skin treated with our expert and say no to skin infections. Schedule your appointment today by phone or call.

Book your appointment by phone or online today. Dr.Archana Madhuri MD.DVL, at Archana Hospitalsvijayawada. the best cosmetic center in vijayawada

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