Dandruff is a common scalp condition where you notice flacking off of dry skin on the scalp. we all know how dandruff flacks on clothes create awkward situations in public.

Dandruff not only impacts psychological and social aspects of life but also has an impact on health. Expert in dandruff treatment

Irritation, itchy and dry scalp are the symptoms of dandruff at the initial stage. And the symptoms worsen over time.

Based on the cause of dandruff, dandruff can be of four types Dry skin dandruff: occurs mostly in winter soil-related dandruff: excess production of sebum on scalp causes dandruff

fungal dandruff: (Malassezia)a fungus that feeds on oil on the scalpdisease-related dandruff:

Seborrheic dermatitis, skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema cause dandruff Shampooing habits, Seborrheic Dermatitis, dry skin, age, being male, weakened immune system, oily skin are the possible risk factors of Dandruff.

Though everyone with dandruff suffers from the same symptoms the causes might be different. So, it becomes important to identify the cause before treating it.

Dr. Archana Madhuri.MD.DM. is highly skilled and experienced in treating all skin and hair-related problems.

He is an expert in treating dandruff and has helped thousands of people to have a healthy scalp.

Dr. Archana is one of the famous dermatologists in Vijayawada. providing services at Archana Hospitals Vijayawada. Expert in dandruff treatment

Before deciding on the treatment our expert observes your scalp and diagnoses the cause. If your scalp doesn’t respond to the treatment Dr. Archana may opt to perform a skin biopsy.

Considering the cause and severity our expert will customize a treatment plan for your scalp.

If the condition is mild our expert may prescribe over-the-counter (OTC) shampoos. He may prescribe antifungal shampoos containing ketoconazole, selenium sulfide, zinc Pyrithione, tar-based ingredients and suggest certain therapies accordingly.

As dandruff is one of the common scalp issues, many people ignore it. If you are experiencing dandruff for a long time, it’s time to get diagnosed as dandruff could be a symptom of underlying skin disorders.

Our doctor ensures to reduce the chances of dandruff growing back periodically or seasonally.

For a clear and itchy-free scalp please book your appointment today. Expert in dandruff treatment

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